

人間総合科学学術院 / 人間総合科学研究群 / 体育科学学位プログラム 博士後期課程2年



 This trip was a unique opportunity to deepen my expertise and understand international diversities. Specifically, I discussed hot topics in my research field with Dr. Fogt, a professor of optometry at OSU. His research field is close to mine, and he has already read my publications due to his interests in my research! He provided me with valuable advice to expand my future research activities. Furthermore, we exchanged critical opinions about previous studies that we both are familiar with, allowing me to summarize the history of my research field. After getting my Ph.D., I plan to advance my research in his lab, which there are many state-of-the-art experimental devices. I hope that UT students interested in this program can meet with professors and students in similar research fields. Given the diverse research fields of many OSU professors and students, this program offers the opportunity to experience interdisciplinary and international interactions based on your expertise. For me, this opportunity was the best way to gain such experiences.