1st year student of Master’s Program in Engineering Mechanics and Energy / Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering / Graduate School of Science and Technology

As a student member from the University of Tsukuba, I had the privilege of joining the Inclusive Smart Society (ISS) program in May 2024. I assisted Ohio State University (OSU) students in their everyday lives throughout their stay, encouraging cross-cultural exchanges and cooperative learning.

Through this initiative, students from various disciplines were able to submit creative proposals for transforming society, enlisting the help of private businesses and local governments to facilitate social implementation. Through this collaboration, I observed firsthand how interdisciplinary efforts can address global concerns and foster societal harmony.

As an engineering major, my participation in the ISS program highlighted the crucial role of engineering in developing inclusive smart societies. Engineering principles are foundational in creating technologies and infrastructures that cater to diverse populations. For instance, designing accessible transportation systems, sustainable energy solutions, and smart city technologies all require engineering expertise to ensure inclusivity and efficiency.

Additionally, the program emphasized the need for human-centered design in engineering and urged us to consider society’s varied requirements when developing our solutions. This experience has deepened my understanding of how engineering can help create a society where diverse people live in harmony. It has also better equipped me to contribute to global problem solving projects and international social startups.

In conclusion, I think this can be an evolutionary change for both the student and faculty if we can introduce an exchange program between the two universities for one semester each year.