Junior student of Physics / College of Arts and Sciences / Department of Physics

Visiting University of Tsukuba has been eye-opening and inspiring. As a student studying physics, seeing how the numerous laboratories at UT research and innovate to improve society has inspired me to widen the breadth of my education to include engineering. Visiting UT’s Center for Cybernics Research was particularly interesting, showing me a fantastic way mechanical and electrical engineering can be applied to aide in rehabilitation. The plasma research center at UT was incredible to tour: seeing research in nuclear fusion brought science in the realm of fiction into reality.

After staying in Japan for a few weeks, learning about how another culture and society functioned opened my eyes to how we could apply different infrastructure and practices in the United States. Figuring out how to apply Japan’s efficient public transportation system around the world would greatly benefit society and enable people to do more.

Talking with various UT students and learning about their work has been interesting as well. Observing similar, yet different, research being done abroad has given me a lot to consider in how scientists can collaborate globally. With everyone learning with the purpose to make technology to help everyone live harmoniously together, visiting UT has been awe-inspiring and has given me a valuable experience to tie my studies to.