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    Privacy Policy

    Please read the following carefully and proceed to input if you agree.

    Inclusive Smart Society Program (hereinafter referred to as "the Program") recognizes that protecting
    personal information is a social responsibility and an essential requirement to gain societal trust and
    promote corporate activities. The Program will take the following initiatives to ensure appropriate
    management and use of your personal information:

    1. Management of Personal Information

    The Program will appoint a person responsible for the management of customers' personal information and
    manage it appropriately in accordance with the Program's provisions on personal information protection.

    2. Purpose of Use and Scope of Collection

    When collecting personal information such as your name, address, phone number, and email address from
    customers, the Program will inform you in advance of the purpose of use and contact points for inquiries,
    and collect your personal information within an appropriate scope.

    3. Use of Personal Information

    The use of personal information will generally be within the scope of consent obtained. Additionally,
    personal information will only be used within the minimum necessary scope for business purposes other than
    the collection purpose.

    4. Prohibition of Provision and Disclosure to Third Parties

    Except for cases where there are legitimate reasons such as obtaining consent from customers or being
    requested to disclose based on laws, the Program will not provide or disclose customers' personal
    information to third parties.

    5. Supervision of Business Partners

    To achieve the purposes of use consented by customers, when disclosing customers' personal information to
    business partners, the Program will contractually obligate them to rigorously manage personal information to
    the same standards as the Program and supervise them appropriately.

    6. Ensuring and Improving Information Security

    To prevent leakage, loss, or tampering of customers' personal information, the Program will continuously
    strive to ensure and improve information security.

    7. Education and Awareness

    The Program will educate and raise awareness among all executives and employees about the importance of
    personal information protection and proper handling of customers' personal information.

    8. Response to Disclosure, Correction, etc., of Personal Information

    Except in cases falling under any of the following, the Program will not provide or disclose
    personal information collected from customers to third parties:

    • ・When disclosure is requested based on laws, etc.

    • ・When it is deemed appropriate by the Program to directly respond to inquiries from customers through
      cooperating companies of the Program.

    • ・When providing or jointly using with cooperating companies of the Program after taking appropriate
      protective measures.

    • ・When obtaining prior consent from customers.

    • ・When necessary to prevent significant harm to the life, health, property, etc., of customers and the
      general public.

    • ・When there is a disclosure request based on legal authority from public institutions.

    Upon receiving requests from customers for disclosure or correction of their personal information, the
    Program will confirm the identity of the requesting customer and respond within a reasonable period and

    9. Continuous Review and Improvement

    The Program will comply with laws related to personal information protection and other standards, and will
    continuously review and improve its initiatives for personal information protection in response to changes
    in the social environment.

    Inquiries via carrier emails (especially for mobile phones often result in emails not being
    delivered. Carrier emails (,,,, etc.) may reject emails
    from computers by default settings, so please change your settings accordingly. If you have domain restrictions,
    please specify to receive emails from the program[].

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