A dream for the future woven by innovative technology.
A powerful vision where people from different backgrounds
play a leading role together to change society.
Through mid- to long-term exchanges with students
from Ohio State University (OSU),
this program empowers talent who can realize innovative ideas
to play an active role in international social startups.
This program, unique to a university that brings together a wide range of academic fields,
opens the door to unknown possibilities and dreams.

The goal of the program is to develop international social startup talent to solve global issues from the bottom up, and at the same time, build a society where diverse people can coexist.

Students from the University of Tsukuba and Ohio State University will participate and collaborate from all fields to propose innovative ideas that will change society, involve local governments and private companies, and support the process of social implementation. The goal of the program is to develop human resources who can play a leading role in solving global issues from the bottom up and building a society in which diverse people can coexist in harmony, as well as nurturing talent for international social startups.

The Ohio State University is recognized as one of the most comprehensive institutions of higher education. On the Columbus, Ohio campus, more than 67,000 students select from 200 undergraduate majors and more than 200 master's, doctoral and professional degree programs.

We develop international social startup talent through the collaboration of faculty members from various academic fields, including the humanities, social sciences, human sciences, natural sciences, and physical education.